Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Globally Warmed Garden

Off to a quick start this year. Thanks global warming. In fact, the garden is at least a month ahead of schedule. We might be able to plant in February next year. Scary.
The transplanted blueberry bushes (three in the foreground, one off camera at the back) are showing signs they'll bear fruit this year.

Squash trellis bottom right. They're still not tall enough to climb, but soon.

Been eating greens for awhile already. The bib lettuce in front actually wintered over. My fifteen tomato plants are almost two feet tall already.

Fennel and herbs, tomatoes in the background.

Raspberries and blackberries in the foreground. Garlic in the middle background.

The hastas under the burr oak should be okay, but those in the background, along with the hydrangeas, will again feel the heat as I cut Doug the fir tree down last year. They will have to bide their time until the peach and apple trees among them reach their full potential.

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